Émy Bellefeuille

Émy Bellefeuille


I am passionate about the human body and its capacity for self-healing. However, sometimes the body needs a little boost. This is why I chose the field of manual therapy: I hope to be your helping hand!

My training in the highest level of Massage Therapy, namely Orthotherapy, from the Scientific Massage Academy of Montreal (AMS) and my current studies in Osteopathy. Also working as a massage therapy teacher at AMS, and holding degrees in Kinesitherapy in both specializations, i.e. the advanced specialization which allows me to massage pregnant women and babies, as well as than the sports specialization that allows me to treat athletes of all levels, I am ready to take up any challenge.

My degree in Orthotherapy combined with my full-time training in Osteopathy allow me to see the human body as a whole and give me a maximum of knowledge to help you, whether for digestive, inflammatory, musculoskeletal, nervous problems, etc.

Looking forward to meeting you!


College of Osteopathic Studies of Montreal (CEOM):

Full-time training in Osteopathy (in progress)

Montreal Scientific Massage Academy:
Diploma in Orthotherapy

- Postural dysfunctions

- Muscular decongestion

Diploma in Kinesitherapy (sports and advanced technical specializations):

- Vacutherapy (cupping)

- Neuro-proprioceptive tapping

- Massage Pregnant woman and baby

- Massage Blade

Teacher (supervisor-coach)

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